NO, Jim Camp, emne: personlig udvikling
NO, Jim Camp, emne: personlig udvikling
The Only Negotiating System You Need for Work and Home
Omtale af bogen - på engelsk:
Jim Camp, the world’s #1 negotiating coach, shows how to release the emotional pressure that’s part of any negotiation by using his proven system of safe, decision-based negotiation that enables you to meet all your objectives without needless, wasted compromises or giveaways.
• Out of the blue your best customer demands a huge discount—or else he takes his business elsewhere.
• You think you finally have a buyer for your home, but then at the last minute she demands that you pay for new landscaping of the yard—or no deal. There are plenty of other properties for sale, and she says she’ll walk.
• Your son is having trouble in school, and you have to think about how to deal with his “my way or the highway” teacher.
When confronted with these—and innumerable other—day-to-day negotiating challenges at work and in your personal life, most people start to guess about how much they should give up in compromise to make the other side happy (“I’ll just meet them halfway, and we can put this problem to bed”).
Jim Camp has a better way for you to negotiate:
• How to stop being needy, banishing emotional responses such as “I must keep this customer’s business” or “I have to sell this house now,” and start focusing on what you can control—yourself
• Why in a negotiation the two worst things to hear are “yes” and “maybe”
• How to get to the heart of the issue through the art and science of asking great questions
• How to find out who the real “decider” is and stop negotiating with the unqualified
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